Radio TBS…(Trailer Park Broadcasting Scandals) at Mansfield Playhouse

Radio hostesses and society doyennes Vesta Poteet and Dixie Mandrell bring to you the comings and goings of the activities in and around The Luna Del Mar Manufactured Home Oasis and Monkey Empire – very few of the monkeys are contagious. And what a jumpin’ place this trailor park is! There’s a visit to Graceland…

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Radio TBS…(Trailer Park Broadcasting Scandals) at Mansfield Playhouse

Radio hostesses and society doyennes Vesta Poteet and Dixie Mandrell bring to you the comings and goings of the activities in and around The Luna Del Mar Manufactured Home Oasis and Monkey Empire – very few of the monkeys are contagious. And what a jumpin’ place this trailor park is! There’s a visit to Graceland…

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Extra Hours at Kingwood Center Gardens

From 5-7 PM, plan to visit for live music, delicious food and drinks from the Gateway Café, and incredible deals in the Garden & Gift Shop! Enjoy fun activities in the Garden Gateway, add on an educational program, and take a relaxing stroll through the gardens and the Display Greenhouse. We’re excited to feature new…

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Display Greenhouse Tour

Join a Kingwood gardener to learn about the plants featured in the greenhouse, the history of the building, and what is propagated onsite. Click HERE to register!

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Extra Hours at Kingwood Center Gardens

From 5-7 PM, plan to visit for live music, delicious food and drinks from the Gateway Café, and incredible deals in the Garden & Gift Shop! Enjoy fun activities in the Garden Gateway, add on an educational program, and take a relaxing stroll through the gardens and the Display Greenhouse. We’re excited to feature new…

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Passages Exhibit at The Mansfield Art Center

PASSAGES Jan 22 – Feb 26 Four powerful female artists examine the delicate landscape of life’s procession with reflection, creation, humor, pathos, and irony. Passages is about transition; the movement through life and death, the dance of experiences that connect us all, and the individual perceptions that set us apart. Our atrium space will feature an expansive…

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