The Sports Car Club of America National Championship Runoffs returned to the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course for the first time since 2005. The group brought 600 drivers, plus crews, 500 workers, and about $7,000,000 in local economic impact for the 10+ day event. The Mansfield/Richland County Convention & Visitors Bureau reached these visitors in many ways, including a Welcome Booth at the track and a Richland County Welcome Dinner for drivers, crews and workers on the Monday of event week.
If not for the community’s generous sponsors and in-kind partners, this one-of-a-kind hospitality undertaking wouldn’t be possible. Thank you to our communities for the hospitality dollars, in-kinds donations, donuts, potato chips, ice cream, coffee, and volunteer hours. Thank you also to our local restaurants, stores, and vendors for exceptional service and quality products. A special note to Geyer’s in Lexington for much sought after donuts, Sam’s Club daily cookies, and Port-A-Cook for helping us continue the traditional of the legendary pork chop.
An amazing group of community leaders welcomed SCCA members to town for the Sports Car Club of America National Championship Runoffs. The 10-day event called on local knowledge, endless volunteer hours, and a willingness to showcase the area’s hospitality at both the Richland County Welcome Booth at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course and the the Richalnd County Welcome Dinner at the Richland County Fairgrounds. The SCCA members and CVB staff know who you are, but now we want everyone to know.
Click for our volunteer list. #RichlandRocks #SCCARunoffs View our SCCA Runoffs website page.
Click for our volunteer list. #RichlandRocks #SCCARunoffs View our SCCA Runoffs website page.