Want to win FREE Mansfield, Ohio t-shirts for your Tough Mudder Ohio team to train in? All ya gotta do is “Tell Us About Your Team”.  Just post the name of your team in the comment section below in this contest BLOG and tell us something about your team. How did you get your name, how did you all meet up, or any funny or fantastic facts about the team, etc. You decide, but a WEEKLY WINNER will be picked through April 1. Just for the fun of it, stir the pot a little and challenge other teams or talk a little clean, family-friendly smack here too. Talkin’ Tough Mudder to hype the event is great!  DEADLINE TO ENER IS APRIL 1.

WANT TO WIN SOMETHNG BIGGER? (This part of the contest has ended.)
Can you say BILLBOARD? Upload a picture of your team on the MansfieldTourism Facebook page and one team will be selected as a Grand Prize winner and your team’s picture gets plastered on a local BILLBOARD for the month of May! See the Contest Rules