Ohio Civil War Show
May 3 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
900 Buy /Sell Dealer Tables. 7 Buildings with Military Material from 1775 through 1945.
Daily Special Features NOT to be missed:
Artillery & Civil War Cannon Firing Demonstrations / WWII weapon firing demonstrations.
Civil War and WWII Living History Encampments show how soldiers lived during the war.
Sutler’s Row with unique items and wares for re-enactors. Women’s gowns and jewelry.
WWII 801st Medical Air Evac Squadron Presentation is quite a history lesson.
Camp Chase Fife & Drum and 73rd OVI Regimental Band offers period music that is totally toe tapping tunes.
President Abe Lincoln gives the Gettysburg Address with Educational Talk that has very unique details about his life.
George Washington will be giving an Educational Talk with fun Q&A interaction.
Marlboro Volunteers Traveling Museum and Military Vehicles are a great leaning experience.
Period Church Service on Sunday.
Food Trucks across the fairgrounds to satisfy every taste bud.
Visit their website for more details and future dates. ohiocivilwarshow.com
Future Show Dates:
MAY 3 – 4, 2025
MAY 2 – 3, 2026
MAY 1 – 2, 2027
MAY 6 – 7, 2028