Crochet Spring Flower Wreath at North Lake Park
April 21 @ 5:00 pm
April showers bring spring flowers, and the best part is that you don’t need your umbrella to enjoy these beauties. Ginger walks you through how to create several different types of crochet spring flowers and use them to create your own wreath. This is an excellent class for the beginner or experienced crocheter. You will have a wide range of colors to match your home, or feel free to bring some of your own stash to use or share in this project. This project is fun for everyone and the perfect way to welcome spring. Everything to complete the wreath will be provided.
Cost: $5
Age: 10+
Class limited to 15, so be sure to preregister to hold your spot. Call the Parks Department at 419-522-9801 to reserve your spot. Participants must pay first to be registered for the class.