The movie, The Shawshank Redemption, was released in 1994 and premiered at the Renaissance Theatre. With only a few weeks before the 20th Anniversary celebration, happening in Mansfield, Ohio over Labor Day Weekend, it’s time to make your plans and buy your tickets!
Last year there was a Shawshank Reunion event that brought over 6,000 fans to town. This year, some of the favorite events and activities will happen again: A screening of the movie at the Renaissance Theatre, cocktail party at the Ohio State Reformatory (OSR), actor meet & greets at filming sites and commemorative t-shirts. New this year is a 2-day guided bus tour of 13 filming sites including 2 exclusive Shawshank-themed lunches. Also new this year is a Souvenir book and a non-denominational church service at OSR. For the full schedule, visit or view the list here.